Friday 16 July 2010

This evening mum and I were sitting on the deck at the front. The wind had dropped and she had taken the covers off. She was drinking red stuff and I was chasing my tail round and round when a load of ducks and geese came and swam round in front of us. Mum said "I think these are the geese and the goslings that Annabel liked when she came to the boat. The gosling have grown really big." Now, I know Toby gets all excited when ducks swim around the boat but I can't see what all the fuss is about.
Mum says that we are going to have to go home tomorrow because she has run out of pills, so this is our last night for the time being. I've just been playing a lovely game with a bottle of fruit shoot. I squeezed it hard and all this liquid dripped out of it. I thought mum would be cross but she just laughed and we played trust and paid for with some special puppy sausages. I did it perfectly. She was so pleased with me.

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