Monday 12 July 2010

Playing out

Toby has taught me all sorts of interesting things, but sometimes I think he is a bit naughty and I don't want to play. "Come and chase the ducks at the end of this pontoon" encouraged Toby. "N0-o-o" shouted mum and I decided not to go.
One really good thing is that at last I have found a convenient convenience to replace my garden. Mum is really pleased because it is between the boat and the dog poo bin and is not on the path. Toby just seems to go wherever and whenever he fancies but I like to know what I am doing and where to do it.
Another really good thing is that I decided not to worry about jumping on and off the boat or about the pontoons. As long as I stay in the middle of the pontoon the water underneath doesn't bother me now. My legs are long enough to just step onto the back of the boat and to leap onto the rug at the front of the boat. I've got off by myself a few times this afternoon without mum being there. The trouble is there are quite a few other dogs around and most of them seem really big and I don't like being bounced. The best thing is just to stay near mum. I've also decided that every time there is a car around it's better to run to mum and just sit down. She seems really pleased with me when I do that.
When it stopped raining mum took us out for a walk. We walked right around the marina. She's got a stick thing and I can't quite work out how not to get us all tripped up. The only bit of the walk I didn't like was when mum tied Toby and me up together outside her convenient convenience. She seemed to be gone inside for ages and I was so pleased to see her when she came back outside.
They seem to have thought of everything to entertain a lively puppy inside the boat. There is a brilliant toybox with all sorts of bones and bits of toys and different sorts of bones. The best thing though is the basket of sticks. Fancy keeping a basket of my favourite things to play with specially for me? Dad keeps sweeping up all the bits and putting them inside the black box thing with glass doors.
I think like being on the boat and I really like being able to play out.

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