Thursday 9 September 2010


I couldn't sleep on the bed last night because there wasn't enough room for us all. I was a bit fed up because I always sleep next to mum and I couldn't do that so I slept in the bathroom on the nice warm cork bathmat. Toby slept on the settee.

I've really enjoyed today. Mum's let me sit on the counter on the back of the boat and I now know that when we stop she says "stay" and I have to wait until it is safe for me to jump off.

There was a problem at Colwich lock first thing this morning and a BW man was helping clear out a log which had trapped a boat in the lock. Once it was fixed we waited our turn and then mum took the boat into the lock and it filled with water. I wasn't scared this time. We stopped at Great Haywood so dad could go shopping and find out about taxis to take him back to the marina so he can go home if necessary and then we went up the next lock. It was such a beautiful day they decided to stop at Tixall Wide again. Mum sanded down and painted the boat poles and we just pottered about then dad took me for a walk up to Tixall Lock. Mum and dad kept telling Toby he was a pain because he wouldn't stay near Jennyanydots. I think he was just showing off. I've stayed near mum and dad all day like a very good dog.

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