Well, all sorts have happened since I last wrote my blog.
I've fallen in twice. The first time was bedtime and dad had let me and Toby off the boat for a wee. I managed that bit fine but when I jumped back on board I slipped in the dark and fell off the back of the boat. Dad fished me out and mum rubbed me dry, but she had to use two towels I was so soggy. The second time was the next day when I was playing with a German Shepherd Dog and its dad wasn't doing anything to stop it bouncing me and it bounced me off the towpath into the water. My mum and dad were pulling the ropes on Jennyanydots to moor up and so the man pulled me out of the water. I was really excited and pleased with myself. I had a go at bouncing everyone who walked past the boat.
Mum and dad are pleased because I am now beginning to act a bit like a guard dog. If someone I don't like the look of comes near the boat I grumble, then I growl and sometimes I even bark. My bark is getting quite deep and loud now.
We have been as far as Kinver and the people from Wilson's of Kinver came and fixed the covers and dad bought some new furniture to be delivered next month.
We are on our way to a different canal now.